Sep 13 2022
What is the Purpose of Digital Marketing for Medical Practice?
So, why does a medical clinic need advertising if patients aren’t going to be attracted to it? In most cases, medical facilities immediately bring up expanding their patient base when asked about this issue. But of course, that is the ultimate goal of all we do. Still, I believe that most practices have a limited view of marketing’s role in advancing the medical practice’s goals. And the truth is, that digital marketing serves many other functions as well.
Possible patient pathway
Today, I’d want to discuss why it’s important to extend your perspective on marketing for your practice, as well as some other uses for it. OK, so let’s get going. I’d want to spend a little time discussing some of the finer points of that mission statement in order to attract additional clients.
Consequently, there are a variety of different marketing efforts that must be made before a new patient is acquired. Let us consider this continuity for a moment.
1. Patient’s first discovery of your practice
Therefore, initially, a new patient has to learn about your practice. They need to learn that you exist and that you may be considered. So, this is the primary prerequisite.
2. Gaining the confidence of potential patients
After that, they have to interact with you by learning more about you. They will still look you up online to learn more about your practice, even if they were referred to you by a doctor. A relationship of trust with them is essential. A potential client needs to know what sets you apart from the competition. This is where the bulk of the investigation comes in.
3. Patients making appointment requests to your business
The next step is for them to make direct contact with you through phone, online form, etc. Your front desk must then process the new customers.
Your front desk staff must then:
- Call them back at the appropriate time.
- Make sure you get back to them after calling the appropriate number of times.
- Be fast to answer.
- Put them on a timetable that works for you.
4. Conversion of patients
You still need a fantastic chat with the doctor during the patient’s office visit if you want to convert them into treatment or surgery candidates.
- Schedule the procedure, operation, etc., when the consultation is over.
- A new patient is the result of a complex series of steps.
The Goals of Medical Practice Marketing
I now want to go through the additional marketing goals for your practice.
1. Increase the visibility and understanding of your practice
In order to increase your practice’s exposure and awareness, let’s start with item number one. A key goal is this. Making it happen can be greatly helped by marketing.
So many medical businesses rely on physician recommendations to spread the word about them. However, if you wish to expand, we consistently advise against this strategy. You can’t rely just on physician recommendations. And one of the main reasons we say that is because so many people conduct their own independent research, even when they have a reference. Particularly those who have PPO coverage and have the ability to self-refer.
As a result, you must be there where patients are looking. To let them know that you exist, you must thus appear. Effective SEO tactics make it possible for your practice website, physician listings, and practice listings to appear in SERP results. This includes patients who use advertisements to spread awareness and exposure.
2. Improve the standing of your practice
Building your reputation is the second goal of marketing your medical business. As a result, the patient has done a lot of research. Now, your practice listings—and more especially, your reviews—make up a significant portion of your internet reputation. These evaluations are among the most important criteria for patients when selecting a doctor or business. And such evaluations take a long time. Therefore, that marketing exercise.
Many businesses might not be aware that getting plenty of positive ratings on Google is not something you should leave to chance or something that just happens spontaneously. The businesses that excel at this have a method in place to raise both the quantity and caliber of reviews.
3. Inform your practice of updates
The third goal of marketing for a medical practice is to inform patients of changes to the practice, such as the addition of a new site or a new doctor. So, once more, this has to do with awareness.
Examples include:
- Opening a new location in a region where you haven’t previously done any marketing.
- Franchisee opening a new site that is a member of a big practice group.
- The introduction of a new doctor.
- Adding a new physician with a specialty you didn’t have previously to the practice.
- With doctors, there is a changeover; one retires and is replaced by another.
- To raise awareness of these specific activities, marketing is crucial.
4. Examining patient acquiring
I’ll talk about a much more focused approach to patient acquisition next. Increasing the number of patients for a certain therapy or disease you wish to target might be the goal of marketing in patient acquisition.
I’ll use that as an example. Let’s say you own a pain management clinic and want to bring in more people who need spinal cord stimulators. If so, you should approach your marketing with it as your main goal. You’re not just looking to add patients, then. You are focusing on patients who are specifically looking for diseases like failed back surgery. Spinal cord stimulators are more likely to be an option for these individuals.
Therefore, that is a lot more focused approach to view marketing. The treatments and ailments that practice desires to focus on must at the very least be given top priority. We have discovered that most clinics lack the resources necessary to pursue every ailment and course of therapy they provide. Therefore, we advise that they be more focused.
5. Encourage return visits from current patients
The final goal of marketing for a medical office is to encourage returning patients. There aren’t many procedures that take this goal into account. However, it applies to a medical setting that offers repeated procedures, like aesthetics. We have discovered that it is considerably simpler to contact an existing patient than a new one.
One technique to increase the number of return visitors through marketing is through email re-engagement campaigns. These approaches may also increase patient income from current patients.
So maybe this has broadened your perspective on the potential digital marketing opportunities for your practice. It provides you with at the very least some questions to think about as you develop a practice marketing plan. Or, you might consider your marketing efforts and the many goals you can pursue.